
Hey there, welcome to Landfarer! I´m thrilled to have you here. Just a quick heads-up: we have to talk about the disclaimer and disclosure, because while I love sharing helpful info, it’s important to remember that everything on this site is for general information purposes only.

I´m doing my best to keep things accurate and up-to-date, but I can’t guarantee that everything’s perfect. So, whatever you find here, take it with a pinch of adventure and a sprinkle of curiosity. ✨

User Responsibility

Using any info on this site is totally up to you, and any decisions you make based on it are your own responsibility. I´m like your friendly tour guide, sharing what I know, but you’re the one navigating the journey.

I´m not a superheroe, so I can’t save the day if things go sideways due to your use of this site. Whether it’s loss of data, missed opportunities, or just a virtual oopsie, I´m not liable for any of it. Life’s full of surprises, right?

External Links and Recommendations

Now, about those links! I might send you off on some wild web adventures with links to other sites. But remember, I´m not in charge of those places. The fact that I send you there doesn’t mean I´m their biggest fan or agree with everything they say. I´m more like your internet-friendly travel agent, pointing out cool spots for you to explore.

I´m doing my best to keep our site running smoothly, but sometimes the technical gremlins get the best of us. If this site takes a little break due to technical glitches beyond my control, know that I´m working hard to fix it and get back to providing you with awesome content. ⚙️

Those pictures you see? They’re the brainchildren of Landfarer. They’re my babies, so please don’t take them without asking. If you’re eyeing one for your project, just give me a shout. I´m all about sharing, but let’s do it the polite way!


I´m also all about honesty here, so let’s chat about those affiliate links. Sometimes I partner up with cool companies and if you decide to buy something through those links, I might get a little ‘thank you’ commission. No worries, though – it won’t cost you a cent more. 💰

But hey, my opinions are like my favorite comfy socks – totally mine and not influenced by anyone else. My content’s as genuine as a belly laugh, and my financial relationships won’t change that.

I only introduce you to stuff we truly believe in. If I´m raving about a product or service, it’s because I´ve personally tried itdone our research, and think it’s the bee’s knees.

Remember, you’re the captain of your own ship, and I´m just here to help you chart the waters. I won’t be held responsible for any waves you encounter along the way.

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